
Post Con '09

So, FanExpo '09 is over and it was...interesting. I had a good time but bloody hell, was business slow. I pretty much made back the money on my table but was unable to make back the cost of prints. I also realized that when I go to another con, I have got to do more fanart. What I discovered is that most people don't go to cons for art, they go to cons so that they can get pics of their favourite characters. Then again, that is just the nature of the beast -- I learned some good lessons this year and will be able to use that to my advantage when I go to my next con.

Anyhoo, on to pictures! First up, some sketches I did to pass the time at the con:

You can view some photos of the con here: http://is.gd/2Ka6m


Danny said...

haha! just as i always suspected - superman is a 'roid head!

Bob Byrne said...

love the Wario!

NHOJ said...

Cheers, Bob!