
o m g . . .

More hand sketches...

...and what's supposed to be Arthur Guinness (doesn't really look like him, though), seeing as today is Fake Guinness Sham Holiday:

Moving on...d'you remember that caricature I drew a while back of Shigeru Miyamoto (only one of the best and most influential game designers in the world)? Well, the sickeningly talented real life Klingon that is Ty Dunitz decided that he liked my lines so much that he needed to spread delicious digital colours all over 'em.

Here are my original lines...

...and here, ladies and gents, is what my image looks like once Mr. Dunitz is done with it:

Look at it. Look at it! Absolutely superb stuff, wouldn't you agree? I really couldn't have asked for better than this. So, yeah, go over to Ty's blog and tell him I said hello. Also ask him if I can have the Triangaband back, I need its power.


Ty said...


NHOJ said...

T-that only happened once after I...consumed copious amounts of Skittles, need you bring up that moment now?


Unknown said...

Hey John, I was directed here by a friend. I am the person who took the picture of Shigeru Miyamoto with the choclates.
Love what you did with it, love your other art as well.