
Lights! Camera...


Yeah, yeah. Enough of that now.

Well, I spent a gruelling day of being interviewed on camera for RTE's 'Nationwide' program. It was pretty much just me talking about who I am, what I do and my recent work in RíRá. We then went to the local book shop so the producer (the lovely Joan) and the cameraman (the patient Jim) could get a few shots of the comic section as well as talking to my fellow partners-in-crime Mike Lynch and Aidan Courtney. The manager of the shop was so happy to have a camera on her premises that she gave me a free copy of 'The Invisibles: Vol. 6' (Grant Morrison, of course, gradually taking over my collection of comics). Finally, I had to walk around Ennis town, pretending not to notice that there was a camera pointed in my direction -- harder than it looks, believe me.

All in all, a rather interesting and weird day, to say the least. Oh! I finally got myself a lovely large A3 scanner -- so, no more headaches for me when scanning in my comic work and less grainy camera pictures for you lot. Win-win! Huzzah!

Well, today being the day it was, I didn't really get to draw much -- so here's some quick doodles I drew of a friend's characters ('Doc' and 'The Ram,' respectively) while having a few drinks after today's adventures. Oh, don't mind the text at the bottom, that was a pricing list for stuff I was flogging at last year's FanExpo.

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